A Cellular Communiqué
Extracellular vesicles are a nanocosm of the cells from which they derive, rich with biological information.
For cells to communicate at a distance, they use small extracellular vesicles (EVs).
Once dismissed as mere cellular waste, they are now appreciated as an integral constituent of the body’s intercellular messaging system.
EVs are produced by all cells and can modulate states of health or disease.
During a heart attack, distressed cardiac cells produce EVs that recruit reparative cells from the bone marrow.
During pregnancy, the placenta produces EVs that quiet the maternal immune system and allow the fetus to grow unharmed.
Harnessing Cellular Language
Diadem bioengineers are modifying extracellular vesicles to solve the toughest challenges in biomedicine.
At Diadem, we:
Learn from nature’s existing solutions.
Leverage immunology and multi-omics technologies to understand the vocabulary of cell-to-cell and EV-to-cell communication.
Re-program bioprocessing cell lines to produce large quantities of EVs with specific therapeutic messages.
Dial-in precise immune responses to eradicate diseases.
Tuning Immunity
DECOSTAR™ Platform
Our engineered EVs mimic direct cell-to-cell communication.
Our DECOSTAR™ platform solves the challenge of immune checkpoint agonism, overcoming the limitations of traditional biologics.
We achieve unparalleled signaling activity and gain access to clinically validated immunotherapy targets across a wide range of diseases from autoimmunity to cancer.